Facial Acupuncture
$100 per session ( includes a full facial with ozone steam, face, neck and shoulder lymphatic drainage massage, and mask) about 1 hour per session
A natural alternative to botox, laser, dermal fillers, and surgeries. Shiva completed mary elizabeth wakefields constitutional facial acupuncture course in 2016 and have been giving rejuvenating facial acupuncture with the use of needles and special chinese herbal masks. She also has over 7 years of experience in giving all different kinds of facials and facial beauty procedures. facial acupuncture triggers the producion of collage in the skin and stimulates the natural healing of the body. It is great for sagginess of skin, fine lines, colour complexion, and glow of the skin.
Benefits of facial acupuncture:
-stimulates collagen production
-tightens the skin
-reduces fine llines
-improves relaxation and general well being
-improves blood circulation